Global Coral Reef partnership

Global Coral Reef partnership

In 2014 UNEP and Regional Seas Conventions and Action Plans (‘RegionalSeas‘) initiated a Global Coral Reef Partnership to support countries deliver internationally agreed coral reef commitments through ecosystem- based management, as called for in the Global Strategic Directions for the Regional Seas 2013- 2016.

The goal of the partnership is to promote and demonstrate ecosystem-based marine management in coral reef areas, in line with UNEP Governing Council and UNEA decisions, and as a contribution towards international targets (Sustainable Development Goal 14, Aichi Target 10). It is the primary vehicle for strengthening implementation of the ICRI Continuing Call to Action.

The partnership delivers results in four work areas: (1) Building coral reef resilience in the face of climate change and ocean acidification; (2) Strengthening use of coral reef ecosystem service values in public and private decision making; (3) Enhancing data and information for ecosystem-based coral reef planning and management; (4) Securing impact through institutional support and outreach.